2 clustered app servers
2 web servers (tomcat from SAP BusinessObjects install)
1 SQL database server for CMS Repo & Auditing
Both app servers are essentially mirrors of each other (all running the same servers, CMS on both servers, etc).
I'm looking to patch the servers without any outage, if possible.
Can I:
1. If no users are on app server 1, stop the SIA on app server 1
1.a Probably reboot app server 1 due to a suppressed reboot error
2. Patch app server 1 and wait until done
3. Then patch web server 1
3.a Probably reboot web server 1 due to a suppressed reboot error
4. Start SIA on app server 1
5. Wait until users shift over from app server 2 to app server 1 (may be an hour, may be several, may be the next day)
6. Stop SIA on app server 2
5.a Probably reboot app server 2 due to a suppressed reboot error
7. Patch app server 2 and wait until done
8. Patch web server 2
8.a Probably reboot web server 2 due to a suppressed reboot error
9. Start SIA on app server 2
I've reviewed the patch update guide but it appears that the only installation scenario they provide (section 4.3) is a parallel upgrade, which entails patching both app servers at the exact same time (after stopping all servers except for: 1) Server Intelligence Agent (SIA) 2) Central Management Server (CMS) 3) Input and Output File Repository Servers (FRS) 4) CMS system database, and then doing a parallel install on the app servers at the same time.
I also reviewed the "Interactive Cluster Patching Guide" but this does not answer my question either, as it appears it wants a parallel install as well. This tool is an AWESOME tool but appears it could be expanded a bit more to allow for more options. It's also telling me to use the WDeploy tool, which does not match with what the patch update guide says. Since we are using Tomcat from BusinessObjects on the web servers, I shouldn't have to use the WDeploy tool (per the patching guide).