Dear All, (your support would be really helpful)
I have just started with workflow development.
Requirement: We have a transaction where we have
a list of data (Alv_GRID), when the user selects one line and clicks on push
button Workflow should trigger.
What did I do.
1. Create a BOR with Event and some parameters. (Note For Key field just a dummy field I have assigned)
2. Created a work flow with the same BOR Event as start event.
work flow triggering is working fine.
ISSUE: When user select one line suppose document number "1234" and clicks on push button workflow is
triggered, But when the same line is selected once again and clicks on push button workflow is triggering again which is wrong.
To aviod this I have used a custom table with Key and status.
But I came to know that there is a standard
funcitionality for Work Item status.
Can some please explain is this FM is suitable for my requirement if yes How to use. if not which FM ..
But when I execute it for my BOR it is not selecting any values.
can some one help me..
Waiting Urgents