Just finished the 3days training in DSM100 and I am trying to create the my BRF+
My first DB Expression tries to select idocs for EDIDC (created on certain date, message type, status =>.....i will change those parameteres later)
and the second selects idocs with error WP120 from WPLST (i will also change conditions later)
WHAT I NEED TO DO is to join these two expressions and to find
which idocs from the first expression included in the second
With simple words the question is
create a table with
idoc number status created on basic type message
xxxxxxxxx 51 24/11/2015 WGSREQ Site data for article & / site & unknown
message will be taken from T100
language EN
and & parameters1,2 from WPLST
how could i handle with conditions in above DBexpressions?
I will appreciate it, if an expert could help me or give me the direction i should follow