I am getting the below error in the 8th step(configure automatically->Introscope Host adapter and Generate system level metrics) while performing the managed system configuration for the Solution manager. (Solution manager version 7.1 SP04; introscope version
Enterprise manager is already installed on solution manager.
Configure CA Wily Introscope step in basic configuration is also successful.
Kindly help in solving the problem.
Introscope Host Adapter | <SID>/DATABASE : Activity 'Introscope Host Adapter' ended with errors |
On instance : <instance Name>
No Wily EM host specified for instance/SID (FQDN). Please make sure System Parameters have been saved with a valid EM host selected.
On instance : <instance>
Setup Exception: Empty or no Wily EM host retrieved from Setup Wizard! Going on with "localhost".
Setup Exception: No Wily EM port was passed by SetupWizard! Going on with port 6001 instead.
Created destination <SID>|<instance>_<SID>_00
Created action <SID> - <SID> AbapSystem
Created action <SID>|<instance>_<SID>_00 - <SID>|<instance>_<SID>_00 AbapInstance
Created 2 action(s).
1 Wilyhost Agent(s) from host <instance> is connected to the EM.
Wilyhost Agent setup finished successfully with limitations: 2 exceptions occured. See location com.sap.sup.admin.wily.hostagent.config (severity: WARNING) in defaultTrace for details. Number of WilyHost Agents: 1, number of EP Agents: 0
No Wily EM host specified for <instance>/<SID>(FQDN). Please make sure System Parameters have been saved with a valid EM host selected.
Regards, Neha