Dear Gurus ;
I need to upload Long texts for Routings (Tcode:CA02) and i'm using this Direct Input Program /SAPDMC/SAP_LSMW_IMPORT_TEXTS related to the Object(0001:Long texts) and the method (0001).
I have created 2 Source structures (one for the Header (LTXTH2) and the second one for the line (LTXTL2) with their fields (STYPE, OBJECT, NAME, ID and SPRAS) for the Header and (STYPE, TEXTFORMAT and TEXTLINE) for the Line.
My problem is in te step : Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules , how to map the field NAME ??
Here is the rest of the Mapping that i have done:
For the Header fields :
STYPE : constant = ' 1 '
OBJECT : constant = ' ROUTING '
NAME = ???!!!
ID : constant = ' PLPO '
SPRAS : constant = ' EN '
For the line fields:
STYPE : constant = ' 2 '
TEXTFORMAT : constant = ' * '
Many thanks :-)