Dear Expert,
I've un usual condition where my user want to invoice our vendor with MRO transaction.
we use ecc 6.0 with ML and Actual Costing active and using Group Valuation as group Currency.
This is PO Rawmaterial with V price control, when purchasing user do GR with PO the FI jurnal
Doc GR
D Inventory 39,153.6590 USD
C GR/IR 33,803.6695 USD
C Price Diff 5,349.9895 USD
Doc ML
C Inventory 5,349.9895 USD
D Price Diff 5,349.9895 USD
This is happen because the PUP has change.
Then user want to do MIRO and simulate there a strange account inventory with amount zero in USD but in Group Currency there is amount.
In local currency
In line 4 there Inventory Account ( M ).
in group currency there is amount.
Any expert has similar problem like this ?
Thank you,