Hello Folks,
Working on a requirement where i need to park the FI accounting enrties and then based on some user action post the same in FI...
Firstly to park...
using 'BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST' and filled all the relevant parameter along with extension1..
extension1-field1 = 'BAPI-PARK'.
extension1-field2 = '1'.
APPEND extension1.
then Implemented Customer Exit ACBAPI01, with Include Program ZXACCU15 of Component EXIT_SAPLACC4_001 having below code...
READ TABLE extension INDEX 1.
IF sy-subrc = 0 AND extension-field1 = 'BAPI-PARK'.
MOVE 2 TO t_acchd-status_new. " Park Document
but still the accounting entries instead of getting parked (when checked in BKPF table Document Status was not 'V' but blank against the accounting doc no) got posted.
kindly suggest what could be the solution.