I have been trying for 2 days now to import the Add-on installation package for ECC-SE 605 onto an "EHP7 for SAP ERP 6.0 with SAP NetWeaver 7.4 - Application Server ABAP" stack. The ERP system also contains the Industry Solution for Apparel and Footwear (AFS) P3AV607. I am having conflict errors in SAINT. Any assistance in resolving this is greatly appreciated.
For the install reference, I have followed SAP Note 1457034.
(1457034 - ECC-SE 605:Install on SAP ERP 6.0, EHP5, EHP6, EHP6 on HANA and EHP7 using SAINT.):
According to the above note:
* On SAP ERP 6.0 Enhancement Package 6 with SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Enhancement Package 3 and future Enhancement packages:
Use MOPZ, choose option "Enhancement Package Installation" and create a Stack XML choosing technical usage for ECC-SE as "ESA ECC-SE".
Use this Stack XML for installaing ECC-SE 605 on your system on your
system which is on SAP ERP 6.0 EHP6 or higher EHP using SAINT.
Note : in case for some new solman releases, no EHP6 option with "Enhancement Package Installation", please use option "Support Package Stacks".
I used Solution Manager 7.1 (SPS13) with up-to-date CR_CONTENT to generate the stack.xml file. I have verified that my SLD and LMDB are also recently properly synchronized.
The problem appears to be related to a missing or incorrect Attribute Change Package but I am having difficulty identifying which ACP is the problem. The maintenance optimizer selected all the ACP's for me. SAINT is identifying the conflict to be with the AFS ACP P3A=======V607. But the Queue Calculation Log indicates that the "P3A, *" "Precondition is fulfilled".
Based on my analysis, there are two prerequisites that are preventing the installation.
First Prerequisite not met:
EA-HR,600 "=" Component must be installed in this version Precondition is fulfilled
SAP_BS_FND,702 "=" Component must be installed in this version Precondition is not fulfilled Non-permitted release of add-on SAP_BS_FND installed
WEBCUIF,701 "=" Component must be installed in this version Precondition is not fulfilled Non-permitted release of add-on WEBCUIF installed
SAP_APPL,600 "=" Component must be installed in this version Precondition is not fulfilled Component SAP_APPL,600 has to be installed
SAP_BASIS,702 "=" Component must be installed in this version Precondition is fulfilled
Second Prerequisite not met:
EA-HR,605 (>=) Component must be installed in this or a higher version Precondition is not fulfilled Non-permitted release of add-on EA-HR installed
P3A,* Precondition is fulfilled
SAP_APPL,600 "=" Component must be installed in this version Precondition is not fulfilled Component SAP_APPL,600 has to be installed
SAP_BASIS,702 "=" Component must be installed in this version Precondition is fulfilled
Installed Components:
EA-HR | 600 | 0109 | SAPKGPHDA9 | SAP Enterprise Extension HR |
SAP_BS_FND | 747 | 0006 | SAPK-74706INSAPBSFND | SAP Business Suite Foundation |
WEBCUIF | 747 | 0006 | SAPK-74706INWEBCUIF | SAP Web UI Framework |
SAP_APPL | 617 | 0006 | SAPKH61706 | Logistics and Accounting |
SAP_BASIS | 740 | 0008 | SAPKB74008 | SAP Basis Component |
P3A | V607 | 0002 | SAPK-60702INP3A | IS-AFS (Apparel & Footwear Solution) |
Again, any assistance on this problem is greatly appreciated.
Stephen Ferracioli