Hi everyone,
I´m trying to calculate a subtotal in a break with context Operators, but I´m still getting a #MULTIVALUE in Web Intelligence.
We have a vertical table with Business Unit and then Operating Company. The break is on Business Unit. For every Operating Company there can be one or more Company Codes. To calculate the Cashflow for the Operating Company I used to create a variable like the following:
=[CF] IN ([Business Unit] ; [Operating Company]) IN ([Operating Company])
Based on:
[CF] = [Jan 2016] Where [KPI]="xyz123"
If I use the sum-function for every break, I´ll get the total for all Business Units instead of subtotals for each Business Unit:
This is the result I want to have:
I have already tried to use the following variable, but then I get a #MULTIVALUE for moe than one Operating Company in a Business unit:
=[CF] IN ([Business Unit] ; [Operating Company]) IN ([Business Unit])
Could anyone solve the Problem?
Best regards,