Hi All,
I've recently been working with SAP Smart Business which allows you to create tiles with micro charts embedded into the tiles. Very sexy and actually very useful for end users!
Now I haven't had the time to reverse engineer how the whole remote tiles aspect works from HANA into the Fiori Launchpad with this solution (or understand how this will work from a dev, test and production perspective since it's unclear whether you can transport SAP Smart Business generated Tiles - but that's future question) but when I saw DJ Adams post on the BlueFin website he appeared to show these tiles without a HANA back-end and hence, also without SAP Smart Business.
Researching this, there's been previous posts about doing this with a Custom Tile available on the HANA (?) version of the Fiori Launchpad; but for your standard Gateway/Fiori server running Fiori Launchpad (without HANA); is there any way to do this?
Obviously the answer may eventuate in a few weeks time when DJ presents this but would appreciate it if anyone can point me in the right direction of how to do this today (if it is possible)?