Dear Experts & Gurus,
My Client is in Manufacturing & Services Sector. There are Processes related to Stock Transfer (MM) & Sales (SD). But, somehow that depends on Profit Centers (very precisely Factory & Depot which are all is considered as Plant). Different Factory (say Plant Code AA, BB, CC) has different Profit Centers (say PC1, PC2, and PC3 respectively). Depots (Plant Code A1, A2) under the Factory (Plant Code AA) uses the same Profit Center (PC1) of the Factory. Here, all Plants are under one Company Code.
In Case of Stock Transfers in between same Profit Centers, they are following the PO with Item Category as U i.e. normal STO (type UB) followed by Outbound Delivery wrt STO, PGI (Mvt. Type 641), Billing, Excise, GR wrt STO / OD (Mvt. Type 101). Here all activities are linked & PO History updated from which tracking / monitoring is smooth. Reports are Proper as well as chances of mistakes in almost zero.
However, in case of Stock Transfer in between different Profit Centers (which is also a kind of Sales), they are following the normal PO (type NB) followed by manually creation of Sales Order which has no reference to that PO, Outbound Delivery wrt Sales Order, PGI (Mvt. 601), Billing, Excise, GR wrt PO (Mvt. Type 101). Here only PO & GR is linked. At the same time, Sales Order to Excise is linked. But there is no mapping in between PO & SO.
An Exit / BAPI may be used for automatically creating Sales Order from PO or PO from Sales Order. But my question is whether it is possible to automatically create SO from PO or PO from SO through any Config. Is it possible to have a chained process for STO in b/n different Profit Centers which can be tracked / monitored easily?
Please suggest some Proper Process. I want to create automatic Sales Order from Stock Transport Order or Stock Transport Order from Sales Order.