Dear all,
It try to delete Master data with this Function call:
CALL FUNCTION 'RSDMDD_DELETE_MASTER_DATA' EXPORTING i_iobjnm = 'HRCHZBDAT' * I_T_CHAVL = i_flag_delete_all = rs_c_true i_flag_delete_sids = rs_c_true i_flag_dialog = rs_c_false * I_FLAG_DELETE_TEXTS = RS_C_TRUE * I_FLAG_FORCE_DELETE = RS_C_FALSE * I_FLAG_SIMULATION = RS_C_FALSE i_flag_log = rs_c_false i_usage_protocol = rs_c_false * I_SEARCH_MODE = 'O' * I_T_EXPR = * I_STORAGE_SELECTION = '*' * IMPORTING * E_PROT_OBJECT = * E_PROT_SUBOBJECT = * E_PROT_EXTNUM = * E_T_MSG = * E_T_VALSID_USED = * E_RESULT = . CALL FUNCTION 'DB_COMMIT'.
But after running of that function I get the result that there is no master data to delete. I get the same info if I try to click right mouse button on the info object in RSA1 and then delete master data. But if I go to this info object in RSD1 I find data in the P-table and I see it in the maintain dialog (Internet explorer). I can select a row in this dialog and delete the row but why don't this work with this function or with the right mouse button?