Hi All,
While running COPA assessment cycle facing below issue.
Sender base in period 003 is 0; therefore, no allocation is possible
Message no. GA727
The total base value for sender 8011B10378194200001048CC10370Overhead8011CSCOSSA in period 003 is 0. This value is derived from the total of all receiver allocation bases.
System Response
It is not possble to distribute the sender value because calculating the receiver values according to the formula
Sender value X Receiver allocation base / Sender base
would terminate the program. The sender is therefore not credited for period 003
- Check the definitions of the receiver allocation bases. It is possible that the negative and positive receiver allocation bases have produced a base of 0. If this is so, you should see if the base values can be scaled (with the indicator in the maintenance transaction).
- Another reason for this could be that none of the receivers in period 003 has a allocation base <> 0.
Can you please help on this issue.
sender - Posted amount
share - 100%
receiver tracking factor created
Rule - variable portion
Val.fld/key - sales vlume
scalling - No scalling.
sendot/ receicer
sendor - cost center and cost element
receiver - Product, company code / profit centers.