Hello everyone,
I'm presenting some issues creating Webi reports with an universe that has an Excel tables as base.
I follow the next steps:
1.- I donwloaded some tables from SAP ERP in excel format and created it a single file for all with different sheets and without any format.
2.- I added the DNS system on ODBC32 with Microsoft Excel Driver.
3.- I opened the Information design tool, created it the project, the .cnx, .cns, added the data foundation (with and without joins, with and without primary keys) and the empresarial layer. Finally, I saved it in the repository without problems.
4.- I opened the Web Intelligence Rich Client, select the option to create one Webi report with an universe. (I tried in the Launch Pad too)
5.- I select some dimensions to call the query and the result is this:
What do you recomended me? Is a DNS problem? A database problem?
Windows 10 Home 64bits
Sap BussinessObjects BI Platform 4.1 Client Tools SP2
Thanks for the help that can provide me.