we are currently running 720 that is installed with installion server package . I am developer and I have never work on such matters so bare with me.
Someone created an installation server package for sapgui 720 and it working well(Sreenshot1). When I run it, it install gui 720 with the saplogon.ini file being created in C:\Users\Public\AppData\SAP\Common\saplogon.ini as shown on Screenshot1 script.
When I copy this installation scripts and use this to create an new installaion package for 740 , the Saplogon.is not being copied into C:\Users\Public\AppData\SAP\Common\saplogon.ini .
I am using the a copy of the old CustomerFile folder from d 720 .
As a matter of fact, folder AppData\SAP\Common\ folder is not even being generated with 740 installion package.
any ideas would be appreciated.
CustomerFile folder.( Does this issue maybe has something to do with Services or SCNGSS32.DLL from 720?).