Hi there,
I recently changed the name and domain of a PI 7.0 server under windows server 2003 and sql 2005.
The problem is that from time to time there is a communication call between the new server and the old server. Both are still on line.
How do I know? I am running netstat command in new server to check.
netstat -5 -an | findstr "old_IP_address"
TCP "new_IP_address":"any_port" "old_IP_address":"139" TIME_WAIT
TCP "new_IP_address":"any_port" "old_IP_address":"445" TIME_WAIT
The different results are shown at different time.
I need to identify where is this configuration set pointing to the old_server_name.
And of course how to stop it.
This usually happens when I start SAP from SAP Management Console.
Thanks for your help.