Hi all,
We are trygin to create a duplicate copy of our production system (BI Platform 4.1 + SP06) on a target server (different host name / IP, no BI Platform installed).
I've followed chapter 14, steps 1-3, of the Administrator Guide, but even though the setup of BI Platform reports installation on the target as successfull, I've a lot of errors in the event viewer, for example:
"Could not open file C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessOBjects\SAP BUsiness OBjects Entreprsie XI 4.0\FileStore\Input\a_160\015\000\4000\lcm.cms.listguid[...].properties".
At this time of the process, the FRS has not been restored on the target, this is the next step of the admin guide, step 6 (NB: the files exist in the backup of the source FRS).
Since we followed exactly the admin guide how can we avoid these errors ?
Are they critical to the new installation (a repair / new installation should be done) or can be omitted ?