Hi, I've been having this issue where there are small icons on the toolbar and I can't figure out how to change it to look normally. I've attached an image of what I see on my computer, which is a Windows SurfaceBook. My guess is that the native resolution on the SurfaceBook is at 3000x2000 may be causing the issue. I'm not sure what I can do to resolve this issue. I'm not planning on going to CR2016 mainly because the company I work for is using CR2013 and more users in the company are being migrated to new SurfaceBooks. This is going to be a concern for us once the company is completely on the new laptops.
Any help is appreciated in this. I've already tried changing the registry, via regedit and changing LargeIcons to (1) aka on, but it keeps getting reset back to (0). I've also tried changing the native screen resolution via advanced display settings on Windows 10, but I really don't want to use this as everything gets gigantic (mouse pointer, desktop icons) when I can finally get a good look at Start Page.
Thank you for your help,