In Erwin I'd use UDPs. In PD, it says to use "extended attributes". I'll admit now, I'm just confused and do not see how to replicate the UDP functionality in PD. So, let me just tell you what I'm trying to accomplish and maybe somebody could hold my hand on this one.
Per table, I'd like to be able to enter permissions and groups that need to be applied to a table after it is compiled.
create table TBL1(xxx);
grant select on TBL1 to grp_read;
grant select, insert, truncate to grp_batch;
grant select, insert, update, delete, truncate to grp_support;
create table TBL2(xxx);
grant select on TBL1 to grp_read;
grant select, insert, update, delete to grp_support;
How would you accomplish this in PD?