Hi Experts,
I try to load data with hdbflowgraph from cds table "PATIENT" (XS) into cds table "PATIENT" to the new hdi container (HDI XSA).
Even after I could assign the hdi role to the ETL user I'm not able to activate hdbflowgraph, because I'm not authorized.
If I try as a target table a simple "Data Sink Template", than it works. It seems to me, that there are really privileges missing.
If I understood Thomas Jung right, than we only need to assign the hdi-role to the ETL user and he should be ready to load the "external" data to the hdi tables.
But it seems not to be enough? Obviously I need more privileges. Any other ideas?
Role inside of HDI container:
"name": "TBASE.db.roles::cdsTablesRole1",
"name": "TBASE.db.data::tbase.cds.PATIENT",
"type": "TABLE",
Hana Studio:
Error msg:
[71000258] insufficient privilege: Not authorized | a1.hdbflowgraph | /..../development/projects/tbase/flowgraph | SAP HANA Activation Problem |
[10:47:35] File /development/projects/tbase/flowgraph/aTEST.hdbflowgraph saved successfully.
[10:47:35] Error while activating /development/projects/tbase/flowgraph/aTEST.hdbflowgraph:
[development.projects.tbase.flowgraph:aTEST.hdbflowgraph] column store error: task framework: [140028] Insufficient privilege. Access denied.