Greetings All,
I created a composite datawindow with 3 datawindows as: dw_remittance_composite_payment_report
dw_1 = dw_remittance_header2
Arguments: sp_id
dw_2 = dw_remittance_header3
Arguments: company, sp_id, payment_date
dw_3 = dw_remittance_line_items
Arguments: company, sp_id, payment_date
I really have not idea how to get it to display with data in my application. When I manually type in all of the values (via prompts), the composite datawindow seems to work fine.
1) When I save dw_remittance_composite_payment_report I get an error message stating that the arguments are not configured ("Nest arguments are incorrectly specified"). I 'see' a place to type in something under 'Expression' and thought I could type in :sp_id or :company, but I keep getting a messages stating that the 'Expression is not valid'.
2) Where I want to use the report, I already have two datawindows as dw_1 (not related) and dw_2 for the composite report. Do I have to change dw_2 to dw_10 so there is no conflict?
3) I read that I have to use GetChild to retrieve the datawindow, but I cannot find any example code to do that. I figured it would be in the Appeon Demo, but while I can publish it, I cannot find the .pbw for the demo on my drive.
Thanks in advance for any and all pointers!!