Is it possible to have a visualization act as an input control for another one in a Story?
I would like to click a value in a visualization and have another one, in the same page, react accordingly.
For example, I click the March 2015 bar in the Column Bar chart (top chart), which shows Some_Value/Month&Year.
As expected, the Popup shows some information (Month and Nb) for March 2015
Now, I would like that the Bar Chart (bottom chart), reacts showing the Some_Value/SomeDimensions but ONLY for the Month I just clicked in the upper chart, March 2015.
How can I achieve this?
Should I implement an extension which would include the two charts visualisation plus the logic or is there a way to create a generic extension/plug-in which would add this logic to the "Compose tab" interface?
or ... none of the above would work, and I just have to post an idea in the Idea Place?