We have upgraded to patch level SP05, as we moved to this we are facing issues in data preview of calculation views . Views are getting validated & activated but i am not able to view the data . Its showing error.....
First Error:-
cannot iterate over result set rows: SAP DBTech JDBC: [2048]: column store error: search table error: [2615] Error executing physical plan: exception 2615:
executor: a plan operation received an invalid argument; $function$=executePopEx; $message$=executor: a plan operation received an invalid argument;BwPopAggregateParallel pop1(addGroupByReturn('MANDT', False, indColumn=0, hashColumn=1),addGroupByReturn('ABC', False, indColumn=0, hashColumn=0),addGroupByReturn('DEF', False, indColumn=0, hashColumn=2))(2615)
,in executor::Executor in cube: _SYS_BIC:pkg123/AN_45_5/olap
I had checked the under beneath analytic view it is getting activated & also showing me result but as i use this view in another calculation view it is dumping this above errors.
Second error:
Apart from this if i try to union two views in my calculation views & if they have some calculated measure in union its showing me datatype error ..
Note :The calculated measure ABC is of decimal type 13,2.
Error coming:-
Cannot iterate over result set rows: SAP DBTech JDBC: [2048]: column store error: search table error: [2620] executor: plan operation failed;ceUnionPop (Union_3): Failed to append column ABC; current column type = ParallelHashMapKefigureColumn<decfloat> other column type =NullColumn<fixed8(11, 2)>
Please let us know whether we are missing some patch or its any development issue....All above views were performing absolutely well in SP04 pack.
Need your help guys.....!!!!