We have a File to HTTP scenario in which we need a sync HTTP interface. We send a file to the HTTP address and receive a XML acknowledge. As I read in this forum: sync HTTP interfaces are not possible with the "standard" HTTP adapter. So I found an entry which recommended to use the SOAP adapter instead.
I configured it:
- Do Not Use SOAP envelope
- modules: RequestResponseBeans, CallSapAdapter, ResponseOneWayBean
If i use this scenario, i get following error in the RWB - Message Display Tool:
Delivering the message to the application using connection SOAP_http://sap.com/xi/XI/System failed, due to: com.sap.engine.interfaces.messaging.api.exception.MessagingException: java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to invoke the method com.sap.engine.interfaces.messaging.api.Message.getMessageId() of an object loaded from local variable 'message1'.
I testet this scenario using CURL and it worked properly. Should this kind of scenario work with the SOAP adapter or do I need to buy/develop an own adapter? Is in NW7.3 possible to configure sync HTTP scenarios?
Thanks in advance