I need to create a report based on specific period's data from a derived table (created to get all records with a complex join between multiple tables).
I know I can give that period criteria in crystal report, but it is taking too much time to load as derived table contains all data(irrespective of any period).
To improve, the quality of this report, I am thinking to pass criteria (as prompt) selected by user and populate only those records in derived table, and then generate report,
1) How to pass prompts in derived table, I am using following syntax
where <date field>= @prompt('Select Values','n','<table name>\<date field>',Multi,Free')
It is giving me error i.e. [Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0] : Must declare the scalar variable "@prompt".
2) Any other way to solve this issue, i.e. get only selected data in derived table ?
I am using SAP Business Objects Information design tool Version: 14.0.7.v20130726-1147 and SAP crystal report for enterprise 14.0.7.