Hello All,
We are using standard message type PORDCR1 for creation purchase order. PO is also created successfully which is fine.
But when PO is not created, Idoc is going into error and when we open Idoc is BD87 there are multiple 51 status with different errors as below:
Status records: 51 - Error transferring ExtensionIn data for enhancement
51 - No instance of object type PurchaseOrder has been created. External refe
51 - Purchase order item 00010 still contains faulty account assignments
51 - Account CI_EKKODB does not exist in chart of accounts
As you all know, when we open the error idoc in BD87 it is showing the first 51 status text. But in our case, it should show the last error message which is the correct message to be shown to user.
Is there any user exit or BADI to sort the 51 status messages before updating in EDIDS table.
Pls. help on this.